To weather the stormes of a little while

I visited the market, a little while ago.
There I found pomegranates and tangerines covered in snow and covered in the cold. Summer’s sweetness in Winter’s breath.

Ice apples in ice cubes
frozen hands fishing
for vitamins
open up remembrance of warmer days.

More skins for you and the dog.
Cloaking down under sky invasions I watch them pass by and I watch the earth freezing
over in a couple of minutes.

Let me be your mirror, soul.

On a mild mid-march day’s afternoon,
(the blossom was yet to come)
many a selfie was taken.

a teddy was carried through the Namdaeum market
(and I think it was half his owner’s size)

and someone finished his lunch and was pretty satisfied with it.

While some shared with pigeons

others guarded fluffy pyjamas. I might have gotten one (or not, would you?)

In the evening
the weather cooled down
and I found beasts (plastic paked)

who would have known.